Hill District Lower Hill Memo to City Planning

The Hill CDC's Preliminary Land Development Plan (PLDP) Review Committee was formed as a coalition of the willing in Spring 2013 to review the proposed plan for the Lower Hill District PLDP and Specially Planned District (SPD). The group of residents and community stakeholders held nearly twenty meetings to vet, discuss and address concerns dealing with the PLDP and its impacts on the Greater Hill District community. The Committee is staffed and convened by the Hill CDC, which serves as the development review body and facilitator of development within the Greater Hill District. Members of the committee have experience ranging from small business ownership, legal, housing issues, and land-use planning. All members are volunteers, yet have committed to fully engaging a process with, and independent of, the Applicant(s) to assure the very best outcome for the Hill District and City of Pittsburgh.

The PLDP Review Committee submitted its initial comments in a memo to the Penguins on July 8, 2013. It was the Committee's goal to resolve any and all issues prior to the formal submission of the PLDP to City Planning, however, some issues remain outstanding. The PLDP Review Committee ask for the consideration of the City Planning Commission in assuring resolution prior to approval of the PLDP and proposed Specially Planned (SP) Zoning Text. Additional issues may be added through the public meeting process, or removed if addressed by the Penguins et al.

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