Gaudenzia Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility

Gaudenzia Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility
Development Address: 
420 Grove Street facing Centre Avenue
Does Not Align with Master Plan
Project Status: 
Development Category: 
Community Services

Gaudenzia Inc., a drug and alcohol treatment provider, has filed a request for a special exception use, and zoning variances to build a new 3-story, 30-bed residential treatment facility at 420 Grove Street facing Centre Avenue in the Hill District.

Proposal – A New Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility

  • 3 story residential drug and alcohol treatment facility housing up to 30 individuals being treated for addiction.
  • Gaudenzia, Inc. is seeking a zoning special exception as well as variances for the setback requirements so they can begin construction.

Misalignment with Community Plans – The construction of a new residential drug and alcohol treatment facility in the zone of the Centre Avenue corridor that has been designated as the Centre of Culture does not align with the community’s vision outlined in either the Greater Hill District Master Plan or the Centre Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan.

  • Greater Hill District Master Plan
    • The treatment facility is not family friendly housing.
    • The treatment facility does not honor the African American cultural legacy.
    • There is limited parking
      • Parking for staff only – 6 spots 
  • Centre Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan – Centre of Culture
  • The community has identified this portion of the Centre Ave corridor as a cultural, entertainment, & hospitality district.
  • A residential alcohol and drug treatment facility does not fit the community’s identified uses for this portion of the Centre Ave Corridor. 
  • This area of Centre Ave has also been identified as the front door to the Hill District.  Hill District residents and stakeholders expressed that it is not their desire for a drug and alcohol treatment facility to be placed at the front door to the Hill District.
  • This area has also been identified as an African American cultural center.  The placement of a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility perpetuates the negative and inaccurate stereotype that African American communities are drug and crime ridden.

Clientele – 2% of clients served by Gaudenzia in the Hill are Hill District residents, and 12% are African American (this is the latest data given to the Hill CDC by Gaudenzia).

Zoning Requests – Gaudenzia is seeking (1) a special exception to operate a Community Home in an area that is not zoned for such a use, and (2) variances on how far back the property must be set from the sidewalk and neighboring lots.  The city has not yet made a decision on these requests.

  • Special Exception for a Community Home
    • The area where Gaudenzia plans to build the new residential treatment facility is zoned for multi-unit residential use.  This type of zoning district does not include community homes, such as residential drug and alcohol treatment centers.
    • Should the city not grant Gaudenzia’s request, operation of a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility on that site would be in violation of the City’s Zoning Code.
  • Setback Variances
  • Gaudenzia’s planned residential drug & alcohol facility is not in compliance with the distance required from the sidewalk and surrounding lots by the City’s Zoning Code.
  • Gaudenzia is seeking a variance to allow them to build up to the edges of the lot.
  • This is not in conformity with the homes on that side of the street, and would obstruct their current sight line to Centre Ave.

Demolition of House of the Cross Roads building – If Gaudenzia constructs a new residential treatment facility, they plan to demolish the existing House of the Cross Roads building.

  • This building is a historic structure in the community.
  • The building could potentially be rehabbed and used for commercial and/or residential development.
  • The Greater Hill District Master Plan and the Vacant Property Strategy prioritizes rehabilitation of the Hill District’s historic inventory rather than demolition of buildings.  This is meant to preserve the character of the Hill District as well as limit the amount of infill development that is needed.    
  • Gaudenzia did not state what the future use of their existing building site and parking lot would be once the property was demolished.  Thus, it can’t be determined if Gaudenzia would build additional treatment units on their existing site in the future.

Note — Please be advised that Gaudenzia has proposed uses for a property partially owned by the Urban Redevelopment Authority along Centre Ave.  This proposal is not under consideration by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at this time.

January 2017 - Sat before the DRP

  • Proposed a drug and alcohol residential facility along Grove Street behind the proposed new development, demolition of the existing historic building, formerly House of the Crossroads, and 9,000 square feet of commercial space with twenty-six (26) affordable rental units along Centre Avenue.
  • The DRP determined the project did not align with either the Greater Hill District Master Plan or the Centre Avenue Corridor Plan.
    • The construction of a new drug and alcohol treatment facility is not in alignment with the community's stated vision for that area of the Centre Avenue Corridor, referred to as the Centre of Culture.
    • There were concerns regarding the commercial space and affordable rental units along Center Ave proposed in attempts to cover the new drug and alcohol facility that would be located behind it.
    • Lastly, concerns around a lack of trust and transparency with Gaudenzia.

February 2017 - Hill CDC met with Gaudenzia, provided feedback, and expressed concerns and possible solutions.

March 2017 - Hill CDC in conjunction with Councilman Lavelle's Office and Representative Wheatley's Office conducted a tour of four (4) different sites with Gaudenzia.

April 2017 - Gaudenzia went on an additional tour of one of the alternate sites, and communicated that none of the alternate sites were feasible for them.

May 2017 - Gaudenzia sent communication with their steps to address some issues, but no solution to the issue of the location of the drug and alcohol treatment facility.

June 2017

  • Gaudenzia filed for zoning requests to move forward with construction of a new drug and alcohol treatment facility on Grove Street facing Centre Ave
  • DRP sent response letter that states the project is not aligned with the community's plans.

Please Note: Since conferring the letter of non-support the following has occured:

  • July 2017
    • Public Zoning Hearing on Gaudenzia's requests regarding the construction of a new drug and alcohol treatment facility.  The Hill CDC and neighboring residents were granted a hold on the record to inform the community and have an opportunity to provide community response.
    • Emergency community meeting held with Hill District residents and stakeholders and representatives from Gaudenzia, their design consulting team, and their attorney.  Hill CDC gave a presentation, followed by an opportunity for Gaudenzia representatives to offer comments, and then responses from Hill District residents and stakeholders. 
    • Hill CDC Memo to the community as a follow-up to the emergency meeting. 
    • Hill CDC sent letter requesting re-engagement with the community review process to Gaudenzia
  • August 2017
    • Councilman Lavelle submitted a letter in opposition to their zoning requests to locate at 420 Grove St and that he hopes they will withdraw their requests and re-engage with the DRP

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