Hill Works is a Hill CDC initiative in the Hill District neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh, designed to activate empty storefronts and vacant space. The initiative makes no- and low-cost temporary space, training, and technical assistance available to artists, creative entrepreneurs, organizations, and community groups in order to nurture successful projects that transform the Hill District into a stronger, more active neighborhood. The activated spaces can be in an existing building or in a Tiny RetailTM structure on a vacant lot. For this initiative, the Hill CDC is seeking individuals or groups who:
- Have an idea for a creative business (for-profit or non-profit) that benefits the Hill District community but do not currently have the resources to rent a space and develop a full-fledged business
- Are able to hold set business hours and special events or open houses determined by Hill Works or the participant
- Can create an enticing visual display for passersby
Galleries, art performances, boutiques, and retail shops are all great examples of Hill Works enterprises. These enterprises can occupy the designated space for up to nine months, dependent on space availability and project success. This opportunity also provides relevant and meaningful business training and support to the participants to systematically grow the Hill District and generate destination quality activities that will engage and transform our community.