Conceived in collaboration with local Hill community members and their allies and produced by Yancey Consulting (YC), this report maps viable recommendations to activate the Hill District’s Centre Avenue as a thriving Black cultural and commercial corridor.
Across the years, multiple generative studies have been produced that map the needed and ongoing (re)development of the Hill District. This report is not intended to duplicate or be redundant to the existing plans but to weave ideas that most resonate with Hill District community members at this time and offer up a viable road map of activating Centre Ave and surrounding areas as a Black cultural and commercial corridor in the short to long term. The recommendations are born out of a framework that emerged from conversations with community members. When inquired about and unraveled through dialogue, a proposed mixture of experiences, basic services, safe havens, businesses, intergenerational social gathering spaces, green spaces, learning centers, food spaces, health and wellness spaces, real estate, and entertainment venues was needed to bring a thriving commerce to the Hill. We also learned in this process that this activation plan, although stewarded by the Hill CDC, is not only about the Hill CDC. It’s about the Hill–not any one institution. A thriving Black cultural and commercial community can only manifest when many come together to advance a shared vision and agenda.
An African proverb reveals, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” These recommendations recognize and enjoin a collective buy-in. They are designed for every representation within the Hill to see themselves participating. You will see many activations in this report that suggest partnerships and various ways for members of this incredible Hill community to come together.
View the whole plan below.