About the Hill CDC


The Hill Community Development Corporation (Hill CDC) works in partnership with residents and stakeholders to create, promote, and implement strategies and programs that connect plans, policies, and people to drive compelling community development opportunities in the Greater Hill District. 


The Hill CDC's organizational philosophy is guided by the Greater Hill District Master Plan and the values listed therein. The master plan for the Greater Hill District defines the vision for future growth and regeneration of the neighborhood. The plan expresses the community’s aspirations for an improved quality of life and defines goals for new investment and development. It informs prospective investors and developers about the community’s priorities for new residential, commercial, cultural, and civic development in the Hill and directs them to community-supported development opportunities that exist throughout the Hill. The master plan provides the community with a framework to direct public, private, and institutional resources in supporting new projects in the Hill.


The Hill CDC subscribes to a "Placekeeping" rather than "Placemaking" philosophy. Placekeeping is the active care and maintenance of a place and its social fabric by the people who live and work there. It is not only about preserving buildings but keeping the cultural memories alive, while supporting the ability of local residents to maintain and improve their way of life, however, they see fit. A "Placekeeping" approach can help to prevent the negative outcomes associated with redevelopment, such as displacement of disadvantaged residents, real estate speculation, and systemic racism, which are often inherent in traditional neighborhood planning and development practices.

The Greater Hill District Master Plan frames the priorities of redevelopment for the Hill District as:

- Building Upon the African American Cultural Legacy
- Family Friendly Housing Without Displacement
- Economic Empowerment and Commercial Development
- Make the Hill District a Green and Well-Design Community
- Mobility, Transportation Parking

The Master Plan further addresses the development principles of the neighborhood, which guides the Hill CDC in planning and redevelopment efforts. Residents utilize these principles within the Hill District's unified community review process.

In addition to assuring that residents have strong input and access to information and that community planning efforts occur in a way that fosters the goals listed above -- the Hill CDC participates in key real estate development projects that align with the community's master plan. The Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan, New Granada Square, and the Hill District 100 are prime examples of how real estate can provide equitable solutions that generate growth, while also stabilizing the community and supporting existing residents.